The basic protocols are the most important informational fields in the body that need to be energised and rebalanced at all stage of life to maintain the foundation of vitality and wellbeing.
Course Curriculum
Closely collaborating with Dr Patrick Veret, founder of Nutripuncture®, Ms Cristina Cuomo is in charge of Nutripuncture® education programs in France.
For about 20 years, Cristina has conducted some research on the benefits of Nutripuncture® on the voice, posture and movement. She is vice-president of the Human-Voice association, whose honorary president is Edgar Morin. She conducts numerous conferences and trainings on walking, voice and Nutripuncture® in Europe and Canada. Cristina is also the author of La marche un Mouvement Vital [The walk, a vital movement] (Éditons Dauphin, Paris).